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Museums & Heritage Sites

The XENAGOS system provides a rich and unique guided-experience to maximize cognitive effect and expand the cultural range of any site.
• Museum's internal and external-source content is gathered and digitally documented into a central database composing a series of customized tours according to different languages, ages, and visitor's preferences and profiles.
• Visitors are provided with a pre-loaded device where the language and the tour route can be selected according to their profiles and preferences.
• Visitors are guided through the Museum and interact with smart labels located on each exhibit (numeric code, color id, rfid, etc.) to receive multimedia information on the display device (texts, narratives, images, videos).
• Further information with additional details, associated exhibits, glossary and further access to sources of the museum or the Internet is available on-demand.
• Visitors may access an interactive map that provides information about what is located around them, upcoming exhibits, and general information about the facility (emergency exit, stairs, elevators, toilets, cafe, souvenir shop etc.).
• The Museum can send push-messages to each device, and record the visitors' tours to get useful data for improving operations and increasing traffic.
• The Xenagos system is scalable with extra applications to meet various needs, including disabilities/accessibility, educational applications, infokiosks and interactive boards, social networking tools, electronic surveys, e-shop and ticketing services.


Prisma Electronics SA
87 Democratias Avenue
P.C. 68132, Alexandroupolis

Phone: +30 255 10 35 013

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Powered by PrismaElectronics.